La Rose Blanche
This exquisite bouquet combines pristine white roses, resembling soft, billowing clouds, with delicate champagne-hued spray roses, creating a harmonious visual blend. The velvety white petals of the roses exude a pure, angelic beauty, while the smaller spray roses add intricate layers with hints of peach, offering a charming contrast, complemented by fresh foliage for a natural touch. Carefully arranged in a rounded, symmetrical shape and tied with our signature ribbon, this bouquet exudes refined sophistication and timeless romance. The innocence of the white roses and the warm elegance of the champagne spray roses make it a perfect choice for weddings, special occasions, or anyone desiring a luxurious and classic floral arrangement.
- Fresh flower bouquet : 28cm W x 30cm H
- Photos are for reference only. Shade of color may vary due to seasonality. All flowers are subject to availability. In the event that a particular flower is unavailable, our florists will select a suitable substitution based on color, shape and value, assured the bouquet will still have the same style and variety and value.
- Place your order before 6pm for delivery in 3 days.
Customers can free pick-up at a specified store in Hong Kong except hamper orders.
Delivery service for flower orders over $900 (Certain charges may apply for Remote areas & outlying islands)
- Hong Kong Island - $180
- Kowloon - $180
- New Territories - $180
- Remote areas & outlying islands - $350
- Immediately get flowers into water. If flowers are wrapped, remove the wrapping over the sink or trash can.
- Clean your vase thoroughly, fill 2/3 of your vase with fresh water.
- Remove any foliage that will sit below the waterline to avoid build-up of debris.
- Trim the stems diagonally every couple of days.
- Change with fresh water every 1-2 days, top up when needed.
- Add flower food to the clean water in your vase if needed.
- Remove wilting flowers and guard petals to keep it fresh.
- Keep your flowers away of direct sunlight or hot environments.
- The order may be cancelled if we failed to contact customer by phone.
- As flowers are natural products, colors may vary from that shown in the photo reference. Pictures and descriptions are for indication only. The final product may consist of different type or color of flowers within the bouquet.
- Once an order has been placed and confirmed, no cancellation or changes will be accepted, all flowers sold are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.
- Shopping bag is mandatory for Love Goes On, Flower Box and Wedding products.
- Promotions are not applicable to seasonal items such as Valentine’s Day, delivery cost, charges of shopping bag and message card.
- For floral items, only specific collection will be offered in Valentine's Day period.